Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The finished design.


Bright vibrant pacman colours used for the space invaders circling the outer realm of the mandala. Scaling and rotation copying used again to create the vast army of pixelated aliens. Complementary colours creates a strong contrast.

Pacman Perimeter

These characters from pacman were repeated around the perimeter of the mandala. It creates movement as if the 'ghosts' are chasing 'pacman' due to the orientation of their eyes. The vibrant colour scheme is also something to note, a direct reflection of the simple and limited colours available in 1980's arcade gaming.

Pixel Maze

I created a pacman maze using the rounded rectangle tool and reflecting, rotating and joining paths to fuse the shapes into one layer. The complexity and the symmetry give the mandala balance and depth. It's a really cool effect made from simple shapes and glorifies the actual style of the arcade game. 

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Space Invaders are repeated and scaled/copied to give effect. Also their opacities are gradually reduced to give it a 3rd dimension.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pixel Power

I created these simple pixel characters copied from Super Mario Bros. and Space Invaders for use in my vintage arcade game mandala. Using a pixel grid and importing images of the characters from the net I was able to trace the pixel bound shapes using the pen tool and then filling each area with the appropriates colour.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Monash University Snowsports Club (2009), T-Shirt for members @ $15 / non-members @ $25

I used Illustrator to design the new logo and the block letters for the graphic. Quite simple use of the 'pen' tool to draw the framework, and then flat colours make up the 3D form. Best as a vector to adjust the size for printing onto the cotton shirts.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Album Artwork

Groove Armada, "Soundboy Rock" (2007) album cover.  I really like the vintage arcade-game graphics that have been regurgitated onto the cover. I think it reflects the genre of the music through this digital/electronica artwork. The three-quarter view also eliminates perspective to give it an artificial feel, rather than trying to make the world appear in proportion. The image type would most likely work best as a .jpg because of the complex arrangement of colour and immense detail over such a small image size (456x456 pixels).

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Grand Opening ..

Welcome to Luke's Blog.

I love snowboarding. The Shred.