Saturday, June 13, 2009

Downtown Ice


Ice sheets approaching the city, the city and tunnel signage. All engulfed by the water - perhaps the after effects of extreme global warming?


I have a picture in my mind of a mountainous lake, covered with snow and ice in the lake. Emerging from the water is a city once livable. And perhaps destruction. 

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Photo manipulation.

Works by Murray McKeich, Chi Peng, and unknown artist. Surreal photo manipulation.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Netting of all 6 sides of the candy box. When shelved, it would appear as if the light coloured milk chocolate is oozing over the box.


The front cover... different colour choice may be a bit off, should be more chocolate related rather than Blueberry!
Added highlights to the droplets to three dimentionalise the image.


Designing the new typeface for the cover 'Logo'. Trying to make it look like the milk is oozing over the box and over the letters.


Examples of confectionary packaging that I feel could have a different look. Mars Bar, Milkyway and Milkybar.